Facility Use Information
We are happy to have a place to share and would love to share it with you! If you are an LGBTQIA+ affirming group and would like to request use of the facility for your event, please fill out the short form below! Please allow 4-5 business days for board review, and approval.
Useful tips to note when making your request:
- Check the calendar to ensure the date and times are free for your event.
- Be sure that one hour before and after your event are free for preparation and clean up
- Give as many details as possible when making your request (what the event is for, table and chair needs, kitchen use, etc.).
- Be aware that the request will go to the Facilities Coordinator to ensure there isn’t a private event scheduled before sending it to the board for approval.
- Please submit your request far enough in advance to ensure board approval times (4-5 days), social media requests to be scheduled, and emails for graphics requests to be handled.
Facilities Use Information:
So many wonderful groups of people use this facility, so we need your help to keep it looking great! Please follow these general guidelines to help keep our space in working order!
*If you have any questions not covered on this list, please refer to the Facilities Safety & Procedures Manual found attached to the refrigerator
- Return all furniture where you found it, (including folding chairs and tables). Be sure to move furniture gently as it leaves scuff marks on the floor.
- Clean up all dishes trash, etc. that was used.
- Take the trash out back (off the mud room) and place it in the large bin if it is full.
- Leave the office door closed.
- Tidy up each room used during your time in the house.
- Please do not use tape on the walls or appliances!
- Please return thermostat to 67 after your event.
- Double check to be sure all doors are locked (even if you didn’t use one).
- Turn off all lights except above the kitchen sink.
- Turn on the porch light upon exit if it is dark.
Please feel welcome to use food and drinks, or bring your own!
Calendar Availability
- SU
- MO
- TU
- WE
- TH
- FR
- SA
- 26
- 27
- 28
- 29
- 30
- 31
- 1
Prime Timers Mid-Missouri
- 2
Blender Brunch
ExpiredMO Legislative Testimony Education & Workshop
Expired - 3
Expired - 4
Rainbow Readers
Expired - 5
TCP Board Meeting
Expired - 6
Expired - 7
Clothing Closet Open Hours
ExpiredDevelopment Committee
Expired - 8
- 9
- 10
Caregiver Support Group
ExpiredClothing Closet Open Hours
Expired - 11
Parents 4 Parents
Expired - 12
- 13
Volunteer Orientation
Expired - 14
Clothing Closet Open Hours
ExpiredGame Night / Open Hours
Expired - 15