
Prism is a fun group, providing a safe and caring space for LGBTQIA+ teenagers, ages 11 through 18 only.

For information about upcoming meetings, including links for Zoom meeetings, check our weekly updates on social media, or email us at

About Prism

Prism is an LGBTQIA+ youth group for youth ages 11-18 years old. Prism offers fun and educational programming, resources, support, and mentorship focused on LGBTQIA+ middle and high school aged youth in the Mid-MO area. We meet the 1st and 3rd Thursdays from 6-8pm at The Center Project. We post weekly updates about meetings on our social media, whether they’re in-person or online, including how to join on Zoom. We also use the Remind App to communicate. Text @prismtcp to 81010 to get our text reminders about meetings.

Prism has volunteer coordinators (23 years of age or older) who plan meetings and activities. Our coordinators go through a background check and interview process, and also receive orientation on best practices for working with LGBTQIA++ youth. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer coordinator for Prism, check out our calender for dates of our upcoming volunteer orientations or email with any specific questions.

History of Prism

Prism was started by LGBTQIA+ youth after the murder of Matthew Shepard, a gay college student, in 1998. LGBTQIA+ young people in Mid-MO needed a safe space to process this traumatizing event. Prism met in various places in the Columbia area, and finally found its home at The Center Project in the early 2000s. Prism has continuously offered support to LGBTQIA+ youth since its formation.

What our meetings look like

  • Meetings begin with introductions where we share our name and pronouns. This is so everyone knows how to respectfully interact with one another! We then typically do an activity (craft, games, workshops, education, movies, discussion), and also allow for some free time.
  • Since Prism can often be a high-energy space, there is a designated quiet space provided for youth who need a calm place during meetings.
  • Parents / guardians are welcome to meet the coordinators and check out our space during drop-off, but we ask that parents / guardians leave after that so youth can have their own space and privacy.

Prism coordinators are always looking for youth input about meetings! Tell us what You want to do at Prism!

What kind of games should we play? Topics for discussion nights? Education on certain topics? Do you like just hanging out? Group activities like crafts or cooking?

Let us know!

Prism Meeting Rules

  1. Prism is a sober space, in practice and in speech. For safety of our meetings, no one is allowed to be at Prism while under the influence. If someone does show up under the influence, we will find them a safe ride home. We also ask that youth do not discuss drugs/alcohol at meetings in recognition that these are potentially triggering topics for people who may deal with addiction in various aspects of life. Youth are encouraged to talk privately with a coordinator if they are experiencing issues surrounding addiction or substance use.
  2. No Outing: the things people share at Prism are confidential. Since Prism is a safe space, youth are encouraged to explore their identities at our meetings. Keep in mind that the name someone uses or the pronouns they go by at our meetings may not be what they use at school or at home.
  3. Consent! Consent is required for touching others or for talking about a potentially triggering topic. Consent must be renewed each meeting (just because someone accepted a hug last week does not mean they want a hug this week).
  4. Be mindful of gendered language. Prism is a great space to practice using non-gendered language since there are people of many different gender identities and gender expressions!
  5. Share the mic! Be mindful of letting other people have a turn at sharing during discussions.
  6. No BS (bullying/shaming). Prism strives to be a bullying- and shaming-free zone. We do that through education on racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, fatphobia, classism, and all that other bad stuff!