
Gender Blender

Gender Blender is a social and supportive space for transgender and non-binary adults to connect, have fun, and access resources. It is a community-based space and does not provide therapy services, but does provide a welcoming, affirming, non-judgmental place to meet with other trans and non-binary adults.

Volunteers are part of a team that shares leadership responsibilities collaboratively to plan and co-facilitate meetings and events, to promote Gender Blender in the community, to connect community members with access and resources, and to assist with administrative tasks.

Meetings: Beginning in January, held 1x / month (day / time: TBD)

Time Commitment: Flexible, typically 1-5 hours per week, depending on role

General Responsibilities:

  • Leadership team.
      • Identify the purpose / intention of the group, how to best meet community needs, and define boundaries and community agreements.
      • Develop a plan for equitable access and outreach.
      • Develop a system / process for group feedback and conflict resolution.
  • Plan and facilitate meetings.
      • Work with a team of coordinators to plan meeting discussions / topics / goals.
      • Create a welcoming atmosphere for all attendees, especially newcomers; lead introductions & info sharing about the purpose of the group; encourage discussion and participation; answer questions and help direct people to resources as able.
      • Identify and respond to potential conflict in a supportive way as it arises.
      • Maintain the safety and supportive space for all attendees.
  • Create events & activities.
      • Brainstorm ideas for social and / or educational group activities outside of meetings, based on group interest or need (outings, workshops, parties, etc.).
  • Community outreach.
      • Promote Gender Blender in the community, with a particular focus on reaching out to those who may not be aware of this resource.
      • Build relationships with supportive community partners to expand our capacity and outreach.
  • Assist with administrative tasks.
    • Check Gender Blender email and / or maintain Gender Blender Facebook page to answer questions, welcome people to the group, direct people to resources as able.
    • Track / report attendance, general group activities to TCP.

Upcoming Tasks

  1. Identify a team of coordinators, collaboratively choose responsibilities, and make a plan for Spring 2023 meetings / activities.
  2. Determine a standardized opening / introduction / process for Blender meetings.
  3. Draft community agreements / intentions / boundaries for the space.
  4. Secure facilitator training for group coordinators.
  5. Create a standardized process for collecting feedback from the group to ensure that conflicts and issues can be resolved or mediated in a helpful, supportive way.

Additional Information

TCP Board Contact

Cameron Lee,

Full Board,

Group Email

External Links

Gender Blender on Facebook – Private Group, Must Request Access via Coordinators